Intro: Sophia LaBelle-Plott
Photos by @johnmcsweeney
We recently had the chance to learn more about Sophia’s upbringing in the Florida punk scene and the evolution of Team Nonexistent!
What/who made you want to become a musician?
I started singing when I started talking! I was always drawn to it. My Aunt Susan has a beautiful voice, and she taught me a lot about singing. No matter what sort of music I’m doing she’s always been a big supporter of me being a vocalist. When I started playing Guitar Hero, I’d play it religiously and realized I wanted a real guitar. I got a First Act from Walmart when I was 6 and I still have it. (i included a photo of me the morning i got it haha) Also; Hannah Montana. She was very cool. I’ve never wanted to be anything else as bad as I’ve wanted to be a musician and I feel so lucky to be doing it as much as I do right now.
We have super similar backgrounds, growing up in Louisiana and moving to Jackson, MS after Hurricane Katrina. What brought you out to Denver?
It’s so different out here. I moved here for opportunity. Gigs pay more out here, minimum wage is higher, there’s more jobs. I moved here from Florida and miss my friends but otherwise I love Denver! I love a big city!!
What are your thoughts on Denver’s current music scene and community?
I touched on more money being available here which is rad, but I think community could be stronger. It’s such a big scene/city, cliquing up is bound to happen. There’s still so many bands I haven’t played with and people I’ve yet to meet, whereas I think I know everyone who has ever even been to North Florida haha. There’s pros and cons to being from a smaller scene! I do love Denver, and I plan to call it home for quite a while longer. Overall it’s a super rad scene.
Do you remember your very first gig? Or, tell me about the worst gig you’ve ever played.
My first *real* gig was at a bowling alley in Pensacola, Florida called Oops Alley with my band Sour!. We played for two or three hours, but we had 8 songs. So we played the 8 songs over and over again. We were like maybe 15. It wasn’t our worst gig but it was really something lol.
How does the music scene in Denver compare to the scene that you're used to in Florida?
Everybody knows each other in Florida. And there’s a LOT of fundraiser shows, which is great for small organizations but can be hard for artists getting their start, you might end up playing like, mostly fundraisers for your first bunch of shows. In stark contrast, I was paid for my very first gig out here. There’s an incredible age to the FL scene too, though. Everybody goes to, went to, or has been to 309. There’s longevity to the Pensacola punk scene. That house has been around since before I was born. The Pensacola Punk scene raised me and a lot of the people I know and love. I think every scene deserves that longevity. In both scenes, I believe there’s the kinship, and a good safe space for queer artists. Hell yeah.
What has been the biggest challenge for you as an artist, and to counter that. what's been your greatest accomplishment?
I didn’t know anyone when I moved to Denver, and then the pandemic happened. I spent two years depressed in my apartment doing Team Nonexistent solo. The comeback has been so insane. Magic, Billie, n Jesse, changed my life. I’m so lucky to have them. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably have given up n left Denver. I love them so much, and having their love, support, time, and company is my greatest accomplishment.
What’s been on constant repeat for you this year?
“People just need to hear your music.”
What advice do you have for other aspiring musicians out there?
Put. Out. Music. Just literally do it. I think I say this every single time I’m asked this question. Please just do it. I want to hear your art. I want you to make art. There’s so many anxious artists with cruddy equipment who are probably sitting on the sickest demo and are too scared to put it out. Please just do it I’m begging you. Especially queer, femme, and POC artists I desperately want to hear it. If you’re worried nobody else wants to hear it, I do.
Polaroid photo taken by @retroartiste
What’s next for Team Nonexistent?
The band will be playing 3 shows this upcoming month around Denver:
2/12 @ Slurpee House
2/22 @ Marquis
2/24 @ Seventh Circle
We’re finishing our album too so we’ll have a date for that soon!
What’s your current live rig/set up?
I play on a Catalyst amp and my blood covered Fender Jag. I have a pink microphone and I wear my friend Kenny’s knee pads. No shoes.
Where can we learn more about you and Team Nonexistent?
Instagram: @s0urboi & @teamnonexistent