What has been the biggest challenge for you as an artist, and to counter that. what's been your greatest accomplishment?
I didn’t know anyone when I moved to Denver, and then the pandemic happened. I spent two years depressed in my apartment doing Team Nonexistent solo. The comeback has been so insane. Magic, Billie, n Jesse, changed my life. I’m so lucky to have them. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably have given up n left Denver. I love them so much, and having their love, support, time, and company is my greatest accomplishment.
What’s been on constant repeat for you this year?
“People just need to hear your music.”
What advice do you have for other aspiring musicians out there?
Put. Out. Music. Just literally do it. I think I say this every single time I’m asked this question. Please just do it. I want to hear your art. I want you to make art. There’s so many anxious artists with cruddy equipment who are probably sitting on the sickest demo and are too scared to put it out. Please just do it I’m begging you. Especially queer, femme, and POC artists I desperately want to hear it. If you’re worried nobody else wants to hear it, I do.
Polaroid photo taken by @retroartiste