Years Down Gives Us Their Heaviest Song Yet With “Can’t Shake This Feeling”
Years Down might’ve just released the “easycore” banger of the year with their new song: “Can’t Shake This Feeling”. Immediately hooking the listener in with a thunderous double-bass pattern and blazing drum fills, it is followed up by some growling vocals from Griffin Mather and some downright heavy tones from the guitar and bass. At just under three minutes, Years Down keeps you on your toes from start to finish and they do a great job at keeping it catchy at the same time; making you want to start a circle pit in your own living room, much to the dismay of your pets. This song reminds me of some of A Day To Remember’s early material that everyone knows and loves, and Years Down is proficient with maintaining an irresistible energy throughout their song. “Can’t Shake This Feeling” is destined to be on repeat all throughout this year and this song seems to usher Years Down into a new phase of the band that has me eager to see what comes next from them.